Feb 22, 2021
Video games continue to get better, richer, more meaningful, and impactful as Penguin & Termite push through Wikipedia's Best Video Games of All Time list. We walk through the years 2002 through 2004 of this curated list, while offering our perspective of the games themselves and the state of the industry at the...
Feb 15, 2021
Penguin & Termite celebrate Valentine's Day by taking a deep dive into romance systems in video games. Where did they start? How have they evolved? How relatable are they in our lives? All this and...
Feb 8, 2021
With the latest buggy debacle that was the Cyberpunk 2077 release, Penguin & Termite are inspired to talk about video game testing and Quality Assurance (QA). What does this process look like? What are the relationships between testers, development studios, and publishers? How has testing changed over the years? All...
Feb 1, 2021
Maybe the final entry in our Genre Deep Dive series of episodes; Penguin & Termite discuss puzzle games! It's more than just Tetris and Myst. We discuss how this genre has affected video games we love today, the history of the genre and of course, we discuss our favorite puzzle...